Founded in 1968
Social responsibility
IPSO, a committed company and employees
Our team is proud to be part of thetop 3%of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the lighting manufacturing industry.
IPSO initiated and structured its social responsibility approach in 2019, to meet the challenges of sustainable development relating to its activities, for its customers, with the involvement of employees and that of its partners.
In fact, IPSO has always integrated CSR, and more particularly in the social aspect.
The desire to serve a common interest has always existed.
However today, it is developing with a purpose in a structured, almost systematic approach and at all levels, with a view to achieving a much stronger impact.
From 2020, IPSO is part ofs 20% of the best performing SMEs in its sector by obtaining an Ecovadis bronze medal.
In order to go further in our commitments, IPSO strives to integrate the CSR strategy into the company's overall strategy.
Our company deploys an active policy of continuous and sustainable design on behalf of its customers, in partnership with its suppliers, prestators and key stakeholders.
We have analyzed the issues important to our parties
interested relevantes and our organization.
This study made it possible to select the main axes of our CSR approach.
This CSR Policy is made available to our customers, service providers and all stakeholders upon request.
Our best practices for the management of waste and hazardous substances
As part of our policyeu of CSR, IPSO has an objective of0 single-use plastic and 100%of recyclable packaging by 2023.
Reducing waste in companies means tackling the problem at the root because they produce 10 times more waste than households.
From 2019, IPSO decided on concrete actions to limit its waste:
Replacing plastic cups with mugs
Replacement of water bottles with reusable filter jugs
Provision of reusable dishes
Purchasing recyclable packaging for shipments
Reuse ofpackaging when possible
Provision of individual bins for selective sorting
The first of the actions is to reduce the production of waste, thank you to our employees for the actions in this direction:
Refuse unnecessary paper commercial documentation
Remove unnecessary equipment
Opt for refillable formats: cartridges, pens, liquids...
Print reasonably, in black and white and double-sided
Reduce consumption of supplies
For the coffee / lunch break, I switch to reusablee
Improve life spane of his equipment by taking care of it
Take advantage of the point ofon-site collection for electronic products
Nos good environmental practices to reduce our energy consumptionenergy
As part of our CSR policy, IPSO aims to reduce its energy consumption and CO2 emissions without affecting your comfort and safety.
In early 2022, raising awareness of the Climate Fresco made us realize that climate change is a complex collective problem. At our level, we are ALL actors in the fight against global warming.
For a more sustainable approach, we ask our employees to rationalize consumption and practices:
Be sure to turn off computers and devices on standby
Make sure to turn off the lights when leaving each evening
Work in favor of daylight
Mastering the use of email
Check window closures
Make sure to stay at a temperature of 19°
Turn off the heating or air conditioning in the evening when you leave
Adopt eco-driving and responsible driving
Avoid unnecessary journeys
Prioritize carpooling and clean transport
The pitfalls to avoid
Take our best practices for granted.
don't recoverin question.
Minimize the various alerts.
NOTgood practices for well-being and safety at work
IPSO has decided tonew actions to enhance the well-being and safety of our employees.
Regular occupational safety training
- Red Cross training on lifesaving gestures
- Ergonomist visit for screen work awareness
- Fire evacuation training
Training of lifeguards at work
Fire extinguisher handling training
Regular actions in favor of well-being
Promotion of teleworking in consultation with employees
Days of relaxation, breakfasts, lunches, evenings...
Coffee and teas provided free of charge
Stress management training
Greening of workspaces
Work on office acoustics...
Our best practices against harassment, sexism and discrimination
As part of our CSR policy, we have decided to train a person on the subject of sexism and sexual harassment to:
- Characterizing and defining sexism and sexual harassment
Preventing sexual harassment
Respond to a case of sexual harassment
Know the possible remedies and the penalties incurred
Our sexism and sexual harassment referent is Mr. Patti.
Listening attentively to management and setting up a referent contribute to the success of our best practices.
IPSO promotes the application of the principle of non-discrimination in all its forms in all management and decision-making actions of the company or organization, and in particular in all stages of human resources management.
IPSO practices zero tolerance in the field of harassment, sexism and discriminationations.
Any breach must be reported and may be subject to sanctions.
Our best practices for managing the careers and training of our employees
As part of our CSR policy, IPSO aims to support and assist its employees in managing their careers, always halfway between the needs of the company and the expectations of employees, between the objectives of the company and the individual capabilities of employees.
The individual annual interview, which is compulsory for all employees, is the key to opening up dialogue, helping our employees to better adapt to change and strengthening the performance of our organization.
IPSO is aware that this is a human issue which has a huge impact on theemployee well-being.
IPSO undertakes:
AT open themobility for all employees, regardless of their status
To find the balance to satisfy the common need and individual careers
Set up career monitoring through annual individual interviews and second-part career interviews
Develop skills through technical business training but also non-technical training, particularly in management, conflict management, stress, CSR, etc.
The pitfalls to avoid
Take our best practices for granted.
Don't question yourself.
Minimize the various alerts.
Our best practices for information security and data protection
As part of our CSR policy, IPSO aims toobjective of preparing for the risks ofIT security they could face in the more or less near future.
In accordance with the GDPR, we are also committed to respecting the data of our customers, prospects and employees and have appointed a Data Protection Officer who is the guarantor of our data confidentiality policy, Mr. Patti.
For better protection of sensitive data, we ask our employees to ensure compliance with the instructions:
Regularly put theup-to-date software
Do not download attachments that have not been previously checked by the antivirus
Do not install unverified applications
Particular care must be taken when distributing documents to the outside
Only open attachments from senders whose identity you are certain of.
Never send confidential data by email, especially if they are requested. An organization will not ask you for a password or bank details this way.
Choose strong passwords and change them every month
Avoid storing passwords in the same place, a fortiori in an easily accessible file (on paper, on the Cloud, on your email, etc.)
Avoid sticking a sticker with the image of the company on a laptop or work phone so that they do not attract attention
IPSO expects each of its managers and employees to reflect, through their behavior, our company's commitment to cscrupulously comply with anti-corruption rulestion.
IPSO is committed to conducting its business with legality, integrity and transparency and does not tolerate any form of corruption.
Each employee is asked to read this policy, to appreciate its content and to respect it.
Intermediaries and other business partners are expected to act ethically, and they are expected to do so as well.
No employee will be subject to demotion, sanctions or other negative consequences for refusing to comply with IPSO's anti-corruption policy, even if refusal may result in loss of business.
Illegal payments in order to obtain a contract, whether received or granted from private or public persons, are strictly prohibited.
In order to obtain a contract or a market, it is prohibited by IPSO:
To make payments or offer gifts/services
To make payments without supporting documents contracts or invoices
To make payments, or financial arrangements, in cash
To make payments for the benefit of a legal or natural person of influence
To make paymentsts kickbacks.
Gifts and entertainment whether received or granted from private or public persons who have atheir less than 150€ will be considered reasonable.
IPSO has put in place a framework of guidelines set out above:
Gifts and entertainment should be occasional
It is forbidden to give gifts in cash or equivalent such as gift vouchers
It is forbidden to receive and make expensive gifts or entertainment, i.e. more than 200€
It is mandatory that for invitations to which the business partner who is invited is present
It is forbidden to offer gifts or entertainment if they are not intended to foster better business relations
It is prohibited to use personal funds to do things thatwould be prohibited by this anti-corruption policy.
Other points that mayhave risky effects on the person's judgment or influence.
Without an agreement from the legal department, it is prohibited to make or accept donations to organizations if there is a conflict of interest with IPSO
It is forbidden to make political contributions in the name of the company IPSO
It is prohibited to use expense reports to influence ongoing business.
All IPSO employees who fail in their duty will be subject to immediate disciplinary sanctions.
The purpose of this ethical charter is to recall the main principles to which IPSO is attached, then to define the behaviors expected within the company.
Each of our employees is asked to read it, appreciate its content and respect it.
Towards customers
We are attentive to the needs of our customers and we offer them solutions that meet their expectations, without forcing the sale.
We give a positive image of our company and must not communicate erroneous information.
We must keep our commitments made in writing or orally (deadlines, quality, financial, technical).
We do not tolerate any behavior characterizing acts of corruption and disciplinary sanctions will be undertaken in the contrary case.
We respect customers' privacy and do not disclose information about them outside of the professional scope of our positions.
We scrupulously respect all the standards put in place in order to prevent, detect and correct any security defect.
We must refrain from any anti-competitive practice such as agreement or abuse of economic dependence.
We refuse any gift whose value exceeds current practice or would be likely to cause us to lose our independence. The acceptance of low value gifts is still permitted.
We respect the lighting standards in force in our studies.
Towards employees
Together we build a work environment based on respect and the dignity of each person in which the professional value of each person is recognized.
We pay particular attention to the working conditions and well-being of everyone present.
We maintain a courteous and respectful behavior whatever the context.
We establish relationships of trust with others and we have a fair, upright and honest attitude.
We share our information, knowledge and skills with our colleagues and collaborators.
We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in the workplace, including race, color, gender, sexual orientation, culture, religion, age, marital status, disability, membership of a political organization, union or association.
We take care not to carry out actions that impede the safety of employees.
We do not disclose any personal information about employees.
Towards the company
As IPSO ambassadors, we project a positive image of the company.
We do not disclose any confidential or sensitive company information.
We do not prioritize our interests or those of our loved ones to the detriment of the interests of the company.
We respect IPSO's assets and protect them from misuse.
We work to prevent business risk and protect company assets against loss, damage and theft.
We respect the company and its operation and we formulate observations in a constructive framework with an objective of improvement.
We are attentive to our environment and we make every effort to minimize the environmental impact of our activities.
To partners
We are loyal and honest with all partners and suppliers.
We prioritize the interests of IPSO when negotiating with suppliers, in accordance with the law and fairness.
We do not disclose any confidential, sensitive or unverified information about our suppliers, partners and competitors, including technical product information and business strategies.
We select suppliers according to non-discriminatory professional criteria.
We refrain from requesting special benefits from our suppliers or service providers for carrying out work or obtaining goods and services to meet private needs.